‘AMMA’ Feminine Medicine Online Community is here!
Rekindling the Sacred Fire of the Feminine
Women gathering & reclaiming their VOICE!
AMMA: The Euskarian (Basque) word for MOTHER, in Yoruba it means CLAN & LINEAGE, in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese it means – to LOVE, in Sanskrit it means RAW, UNDIGESTED and in Japanese it means FEMALE PEARL DIVER.
This is the Mother community– supporting us as to come together, reconnect with Great MOTHER Source, normalize the Feminine in all her ‘RAWNESS’, re-establish our relationship with the ANCESTRAL world and SPIRITUAL GUIDES, re-awaken to the LOVE of our soul… and discover the PEARLS of our magic- as WOMEN.
You are the Keeper of the Sacred Fire!
During the transition from Matrilineal culture to Patriarchy— one of the most effective tools for weakening the will of women was to ban them from gathering together.
This was the way through which doubt could be sewn into the minds of women, helping to disrupt their sense of value, their sense of magic, and their sense of power. By not being able to, as well as, not feeling safe to connect with nature, nor with each other, the old ways of the Feminine began to diminish, not to mention that the threat of listing your life and being punished for practicing the ‘medicine’ ways, was a great deterring factor. Slowly the ways of the feminine were lost through much of the torture, shame, demonization and force. And so after thousands of years of patriarchal regime, we have unfortunately internalized the patriarchal patterns of suppression and oppression of the Feminine, mainly living unconsciously within ourselves.
Their medicine has been potent and has kept us in the dark… severed from the truth of who we are and from our fullest expression— in order to be controlled and be manipulated. But the veils are lifting and the feminine is rising… within each and every one of us. Women are calling out oppression of WOMEN everywhere in the world… and we will no longer tolerate it. The shackles of fear are dissolving… and we are waking up to the ugly truth… and becoming conscious of the patterns that keep us stuck and disconnected from our truth.
The gathering of women has always posed a threat. A space where only women gather to speak about their realities, their experiences, their viewpoints, validating each other experiences and realizing that we are not alone…holds great and powerful medicine.
Women gathering is critical to rekindling the Sacred Fire of the Feminine in order to restore the LOVE into this existential crisis that we are witnessing on our planet. This is the medicine that our planet is needing… and that we are all needing at this critical time.
Women are losing their rights all around the world— we have to come together and support ourselves and strengthen the soul truth of our being.
What has happened to Feminine Spirituality? Where did it die out? Why have all the Spiritual Guides, Shamans, Prophets talked about mostly men? What has happened to the women… the spiritual cyclic practices of the women?
Did you know the first shamans were women? Did you know the first drummers that held ceremonies were women? Did you know that before patriarchy— which has only been happening for 5000 years, there was Matrilineal… and all worshipped a Great MOTHER— that was inclusive of all men and women, as well as the spirit realm and the ancestral realms.
Most of that knowledge has been kept secret… hidden, discredited, shamed and even demonized through the patriarchal religious teachings. Eve has been blamed for the evils of ‘men’, that of original sin. It is time we gave up those patriarchal stories and re-store the blueprint of the Mother within— of the LOVE— the unconditional love— through the resurrection of Feminine spirituality.
In order for us to heal, and awaken to the Love, we need to awaken to the embodied practices of the ancient feminine mysteries that activate the medicine, the magic and the beauty of who we truly are.
As we come together to remember… and support each other, listen to our stories… and realize what is ‘normal’ in us… which is very different that what we have been told is normal… we will heal ourselves, and strengthen the core of our being… feeling deep fulfillment and magic by just being ourselves.
What will community do for me personally?
The changes we want to see in the world begins within ourselves first. However, most of us women, do not realize that most of the diseases, disorders, physical challenges, mental challenges, emotional challenges that we experience are rooted in a denial and shaming of our sense of self. We as women, have not had role model, nor much validation for those things we innately experience—like our periods… or menopause… or our emotional reality… or the ways that we think… and organically are moved to act. Most of what is innate to us… rooted in Feminine consciousness is rejected by our societal culture. And so whether we are aware of it or not… we have inherited this shaming and fear consciousness, and it shows up as inner judgment, critique, fear, co-dependency, inadequacy, unworthiness… and a general ‘lack of safety’ in the world.
Out of all the auto-immune cases that are reported, women account for 80% vs. men accounting for only 20%. The lack of safety that women feel emotionally… translates in their auto-immune system— which is responsible for protecting ourselves. We do not feel protected— in the patriarchy— thus the bear vs man viral video circling social media.
Our psycho-emotional, spiritual realities affect our physical health and wellbeing. Our disconnection with our essence results in dysregulation in our bodies… we see it auto-immune, in reproductive hormonal issues, infertility, depression and anxiety. These are not separate issues. The disconnection from our MOTHER- Source translates into our bodies and our happiness factor.
As women, we need to nurture our soul… nurture our rhythms… nurture our feminine, cyclical ways of expression… so that we can be in alignment with our physiology… our hormones, our cycles, our mind and our emotions, all of which operates differently than a man’s. We need to experience feminine spirituality and embodied practices that has been lost… which nurtures all of these aspects of our being. Participation in our feminine community will bring healing to all aspects of your being, and feed your soul for you to feel empowered to live and move out into the world, as you need to!
What exactly will we be doing in this feminine community?
We will be exploring and experiencing weekly… monthly and quarterly teachings and embodied practices rooted in feminine spirituality that teach us how to cultivate and embody our Soul’s light and awaken to Feminine consciousness. These will also help to re-awaken and expand the relationship with the Divine… so that it is not just something conceptually, but rather viscerally felt in our body. When we can feel the Divine… and our divine nature in our bodies… we are able to settle our nervous system and a feel SAFE in our bodies— something that most women do not feel.
The Feminine Medicine teachings and embodied practices include but are not limited to: Womb Wisdom, Lunar Mysteries, Voice Medicine, Venus Feminine Collective, Feminine Shamanism… and embodied Soul Alchemy. Everywoman has the right to know the magic and sacred power she carries within her— and stop believing the conditioning that patriarchal culture has tried so hard to brain wash us with. Together, we can transmute the wounds that we have been scarred with and that we have inherited from our patriarchal world… and live and play from the deeper truth of our being— the embodied truth of our Feminine Soul.
AMMA community will serve as a feminine spiritual hub, that you can tune in weekly to receive the spiritual nourishment, the intellectual knowledge and the emotional support you are needing as a woman—awakening to the Feminine medicine your soul has been craving for.
Reclamation of our Feminine Mysteries, Wisdom and Magic!
Voice Medicine- feminine mysteries…
Womb Mysteries & Sacred Power
womb wisdom lost.. medicalized births and biochemistry…shame..
Lunar Wisdom
cycles– rhythm… activations.. inanna venus astrology guidance.
Feminine Soul Shamanic Medicine
Ancestral Council & Spirit Ally
Whats included in AMMA community
Weekly Activations
Monthly Activations
- Venus Collective Feminine Shamanic Journey & Ritual
- Feminine Medicine Activation w/ Voice
- Ancestral Feminine Medicine Journey
- Feminine Medicine Daily Micro-Cosmic Embodiment Practice
- Dark MOON Ceremony
- Full MOON Ceremony
- Guest- Teacher/Healer/Medicine Woman Embodiment
A new era of Feminine Sovereignty…
creating a
New World
begins with you.
The 13 Pillars are the foundational premise that Feminine Medicine is created upon. Read these and allow yourself to integrate into your felt body experience.
13 Pillars of Conscious Feminine Medicine
You are Divine
You are the Medicine
Women are Healers
Your Trinity Womb
Your Sacred Feminine Form
Healing the 3 Collective Wounds of the Feminine; Powerlessness… Shame… Abandonment
Transforming 1st world Feminine Disorders
The Biochemistry of Consciousness
The 5 Universal Mothers
Embracing Evolutionary Activations
Conscious of Movement in Stillness
The 5 Sacred Initiations of the Feminine
Awakening to Oneness Realization