‘SEER’ Painting Artwork


Original Artwork – ‘SEER’ by Leonor Murciano-Luna.



There is a whole world of magic waiting to be discovered… the world we can only see with the Eye of our Heart. You too, have this ability… all you have to do is tune in, to enter the Queendom of your Heart… and listen to Her Sophiatic Wisdom.

Herein lies the secret of your Being… the true Essence of who you are… empty of conditioning… narratives and mental constructs. This is your pure Essence… where you can touch Source within… and see all the worlds of the unseen. This is where we are all one… the Unity spiritual dimension of Oneness… where all Her wisdom is available… Ancestral wisdom, traditional ancient wisdom.. and wisdom of all time.

But you can only enter… once you are willing to drop deep within… letting go of all the things you ‘think’ you know… letting go of all the thoughts of ‘how it should be’, letting go of your ‘narratives’ and even pain of the past.

Here there is nothing but Essence… Presence… and Oneness… the Ecstatic Essence of your Being.