‘Presence’ Painting Artwork



I am a Woman

I am a Woman.

A sister to many, mother to all.

I have been revered in the past,

As a well of wisdom… a bridge

between worlds of birth and death,

I live.

A friend to the moon, and a lover of the Cosmos,

I am,

birthed in the image of the Great Primordial Mother,

birther of Creation.

The time of the Feminine Lunar Era

is upon us again,

The revival, from its 5000 years of darkness.

I am a Woman.

And yet in this darkness,

We have been told,

we are filthy,

too sexual, too sensual, too problematic,

forced to carry the sin of humanity,

eating the apple, after all…

causing the damnation of us all.

I am a Woman.

Yes, society has not deemed me equal,

yet I see another world,

one in which there are no wars, and

no woman is left to carry the burden.

A world where little girls are celebrated,

rather than discarded.

A world where women are cherished as holy and

sacred, rather than abused, neglected, oppressed.

I am a Woman.

My world is full of kindness,

love and community for all.

No isolation, no competition between me and you,

there is plenty.

I do not have to be afraid, or feel ashamed,

For no one is blaming me or judging me.

My body safe from harm, I walk safely

amongst my sisters and

My brothers respect me, knowing

there is no provoking dogma that persecutes me.

I am encouraged, supported and valued as an essential

being of creation,

no more, no less than you.

I am a Woman.

I stand on the shoulders of those who

battled before me.

My heart breaks with the pain they have endured.

For they have lived in that other world

of patriarchy,

persecution and misogyny.

The world where women have no voice,

where their very bodies, are objects of exploitation.

I am a Woman.

living in both worlds.

Everyday, breaking through the invisible

walls of torture

still present, in your world,

I am free, your narrative no longer living in me.

Fears do not keep me from speaking my truth,

the unspoken, the taboo and the cruelty witnessed.

For every woman has a right to be safe in her body,

to express freely, to live at peace in her world.

And to the hundreds of thousands that have already died at your hands,

or through the mobs you have emboldened,

being called witches, or demons, or evil ones.

Do you realize all of humanity has been birthed

through a woman.

I am a Woman.

We have lived at your mercy,

begging for salvation, yet this has been

no living at all.

Some deaths are worth dying for.

For there is no living without our whole selves.

This is a death sentence far greater than you

could have ever imposed upon us.

I am a Woman.

A bridge from the past to the future,

living in the present,

breaking down the worlds,

within me and within you,

no longer room for their existence.

We are the new generation of women,

reclaiming a place that has been forgotten,

a secret that has been hidden,

a sacredness that has been malevolently obscured,

Speaking here for all before me.

I am a Woman,


holy yet radical,

mystical yet ordinary,

vulnerable yet fierce,

magical yet mundane,

sacred yet resilient,

ecstatic yet sensitive,

wild yet peaceful,




Blessed be.

~leonor murciano-luna