Supported ticket-- for online sessions or in person sessions. For those that need the financial support to attend either of these events. 2024- Oct. 31st-- LIVE STREAM only. 2024- Nov. 30th- IN PERSON & live streaming. 2024- Dec. 28th- IN PERSON & live streaming.
Full price ticket for IN Person and online Dark Moon circle. We appreciate you purchasing full price so that we can make it available for those that can't afford it-- at a discounted price. 2024- Oct. 31st-- LIVE STREAM only. 2024- Nov. 30th- IN PERSON & live streaming. 2024- Dec. 28th- IN PERSON & live streaming.
Supported ticket-- for online sessions only-- or live streaming. For those that need the financial support to attend. 2024- Oct. 31st-- LIVE STREAM only. 2024- Nov. 30th- IN PERSON & live streaming. 2024- Dec. 28th- IN PERSON & live streaming.
Dark MOON Ceremony, some are in person-- others will be ONLY online-- please check the dates below-- to distinguish which ones are online-- they will all be available through live streaming-- for the most part. In person ceremonies will include non needle- acupuncture. In person-- we will meet in person in South Florida- Broward location -- address will be disclosed once you register. 2024- Oct. 31st-- LIVE STREAM only. 2024- Nov. 30th- IN PERSON & live streaming. 2024- Dec. 28th- IN PERSON & live streaming.