Assessment Consult-Online


Let’s chat about Feminine Medicine and see if it resonates with what you are needing. Women usually find me when they are needing healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually– sometimes they find themselves stuck– or experiencing the death of a loved one– or needing to unravel deep soul ‘issues’ that are hard to explain.  Perhaps you are just contemplating deep existential questions that you are needing support with– regardless of your individual situation–  lets discuss Feminine Medicine and all the ways in which it can support you– from individual sessions– to group programs and classes. Book your free 30 min. assessment here.

After the bookings has been paid– you will receive an email to book your appt day/time. Appointment times are usually weekdays– from morning– to evenings — Tuesdays- Wednesdays & Thursdays, sometimes Fridays, eastern time.
