‘Creatrix- She Who Births’ Painting Artwork – Acrylic on Canvas 48in x 60in


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SHE Births Me

Today SHE is here,

SHE has made HER appearance.

Her silhouette gently moving my body from within.

I see HER, SHE is the Light in my feminine form.

SHE dances me, animating my body, as HER body.

I see HER. SHE has made herself visible to me.

I have prepared my body temple, inviting HER in.

I have cultivated HER terrain.

For years, lifetimes probably, I have

surrendered in faith…

believing, trusting, awaiting HER rise.

At times, I could smell HER fragrance,

I could feel the sweetness of HER embrace…

tempting me with HER appearance.

I continued to prepare for HER arrival…

that state of complete Union,

complete dissolution, complete oneness in HER.

I have become an empty vessel,

anticipating HER arrival.

And today, SHE has graced me with HER presence.

As I move, SHE moves me.

As I dance, SHE dances me.

My body filled with HER body of Light.

SHE has birthed HERSELF in me.

And I can see Her now.

SHE has emerged from the mystery of the

imaginal realms.

SHE no longer lives just in the recesses of my mind.

SHE has fully embodied me and I, Her.

What a delight to feel myself moved by HER.

What a delight to surrender my complete being

and body to HER.

What a delight to revel in HER alive, embodied,

sensual, joyful bliss.

I dance… SHE dances me.

I surrender… SHE receives me.

I love… SHE loves me.

I AM yours and YOU are me.

Feels like I have given birth to HER within me…

but truly SHE has given birth to Me.

~leonor murciano-luna