Medicine Woman- She Who is the Medicine



I Have Come… I Am Here

I have come from beyond time,

but have always been here.

I am the voice of the Elder, Medicine Woman.

I hold the thread of primordial Light that has been forgotten throughout the generations.

I am the one that holds circles of women making them remember the true Medicine


I am the one that helps us Return through

the voice of our being.

I have come to remind you of the Love that seems lost in the stories of your time,

but yet lies dormant within all forms of creation.

I have come to speak of those things,

truly no-thing, that which has been forbidden.

I have come to lift the veils and

show you the one true reality.

I have come to share with you the way of the shamana, the mystic, the true medicine


I am She who weaves the new story into creation, with the thread of primordial Light.

I have come,

I am here within you.

~Leonor Murciano-luna