This Menopause Retreat is designed to activate your creative, spiritual, wild & nourishing expression of the Feminine GODDESS within… and also to serve as a nurturing, healing space amidst the tranquil beauty of untouched landscapes and beautiful lush waterfalls. Between the nurturing surroundings, the nourishing meals, and healing body-mind- womb pratices, we have curated a space for deep healing, transformation and restoration. We will also include- Chinese Herbal formulas for the common symptoms of menopause and women’s health & Acupuncture during your stay– group and individual. 

Menopause- is a time of Initiation into your feminine power, as you shift from the personal realm to the universal realm– your personal moon cycle aligns with the greater Universal Moon cycle. You become in sync with the greater cycle of life.When we shift into menopause… we move into a time of creative spiritual power, that only we, as women, can expand into. It is a time of sacred power… and shifting from centering others… to centering your greater soul purpose. Uncomfortable physical sensations in our bodies are often rooted in disharmony with our soul and heart. Hot flashes… fatigue… migraines… restlessness… anxiety… are all signs of imbalances in our body-mind at this critical time of reckoning in our life. If we have abused our body… disregarded its signals and needs, at menopause– the dysregulation shows up … asking for reconciliation. Addressing these imbalances primarily at the spiritual level … ripples the healing effects to the mental, emotional and physical wellness. Through awareness… and creative spiritual expression… meditation, deep nourishment and rest… we help to restore our innate rhythm and restore our health and wellness. 

You are no longer raising your own family, the menstrual cycle has seized, and you are transitioning into what it means to truly be in your Sacred power and Sovereignty.  In the last 5000+ years we have been severed from the Feminine Lunar era as we abruptly entered into the Masculine Solar era and here the true wisdom of menopause is hidden and even shamed in order to keep women from their power.  This is the culture we have been steeped in.  And yet all women know deep in their bones, there is a mystery they are biologically and spiritually linked to.  What isn’t spoken about is that since the beginning of times, the SHAMANS were really the MEDICINE WOMEN, honored for holding that holy space between the physical and the spiritual, the seen and the unseen. Medicine Women continuously healed individuals and communities through sacred communication with the Earth, with the Divine, acting as that holy channel between the portals of life and death. 

Why have women been so denigrated and devalued?  Simply because this very inherent power in women that has been persecuted and horrifically condemned for the last 5000+ years, has posed a threat to the power of the domination cultures and their need to control all aspects of life, including the land.  But the time has come… all that is changing now… as we awaken to the true Essence of Feminine Consciousness and the holiness that exists within us, within the land and within all of creation. 

Menopause is an Initiation, a time of change and a time of Feminine Sovereignty in the life cycle of a woman. It is a time when most women begin to reach the final stages of raising their own families and begin to have more space and time in their own lives. Typically, around the age of forty-nine to fifty-one, is when the journey of peri-menopause begins and when our Initiation begins. Curiously, this time in a person’s life correlates with the astrological transit timing of Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer. The themes of this transit in our natal chart represents a time of great transformational initiation that brings up our greatest wound. Chiron essentially signifies our ability to heal and find the true medicine within us, as we move through which ever ‘wounds’ are central to our personal life journey. It is a profoundly significant time in our lives and the correlation of the onset of peri-menopause at the same time of Chiron transit in our astrological charts suggests the deep transformation of this time in a woman’s life. 


Each INITIATION is a death and a rebirth… and it’s also a rite of passage, where we get to honor ourselves fully, within a safe container of love. This is what we are creating with our small intimate group of eight women, for our Menopause as Initiation Retreat.


We will come together Sunday afternoon, till Thursday noon, for a transformational time of healing, nourishment, dissolution and rebirth. This retreat is limited to eight women only, by invitation, and will follow the feminine cyclical process of life, death and rebirth, in order to allow ourselves to process the past and birth our selves fully in the present. We will engage in embodied group healing processes of the Feminine Path including ancient feminine medicine wisdoms, sound healing, sacred drumming and primordial voice, art processing, soul journaling and new story creation, group magnet acupuncture, soul retrieval, deep soul meditations, waterfalls, nature walks and sacred rituals. Each participant will have their individual room (private & shared) and nourishing, organic meals included in retreat.



DATE: September 15-19th 2024

COST: $2299.00 -SINGLE QUEEN Room * $2149.00- SHARED QUEEN Room * $1999.00 -SHARED SINGLE Room — for room, board and all meals. $500.00 deposit to hold your spot. Payment plans available (will be discussed individually). Room and meals (three meals per day) are included in this price. Please check out our refund policy below.

The event is 100% refundable for cancellation before July 10th, 2024– minus a $250.00 administration fee. If you cancel by August 10th, the event is 50% refundable. Cancellation after August 10th, is non-refundable, however, partial funds may be transferable to another retreat, if your spot is filled- decision based on management’s discretion.

$500.00 deposit is necessary to book your spot on this retreat and full payment is expected no later than 30 days after the deposit is paid. If full payment is not received within this time, we cannot guarantee you a spot on this retreat. If we cancel your spot due to lack of full payment, cancellation fees above apply.

A ‘powerful’ healing experience 🙂

I received clarity on how this shift impacts me personally, and what gifts are here to be uncovered that I will be deepening and studying now. Also experienced the deepening of my womb wisdom and knowledge- which was incredible. – Ashley R.

I wish I would have known sooner!

I am so happy I made the decision to participate in the retreat– because I discovered so much about myself… and stopped blaming myself for so many things during this retreat. Loved it– every woman should have access to this knowledge of who we are and the menopause journey. – Joanna H.

Exactly what I needed!

I have been suffering with hot flashes and tiredness for a bit now– and I felt so rejuvenated during the retreat. I saw all the places that I was pushing myself and not truly loving myself. This retreat was so powerful in learning how to access my womb and move through this initiation that I am in. – Claudia V.