FEMININE Medicine Path

Reclamation of the Ancient Feminine Healing Arts, Wisdom & Mysteries

Conscious Feminine Medicine non-profit, 501(C)

Feminine Medicine

Feminine Medicine™ is simply the path of the Feminine that leads with Love… and values our women… and our inherent gifts of the Feminine.

It teaches us how to live in the world… in a way that acknowledges and embodies the non-dual state of our Essence—our soul… while embracing our unique creative expression in a harmonious relationship to all creations– humans and non-humans.

Feminine Medicine™ acknowledges the deep feminine wisdom that we carry within… born from– our Primordial Source Mother- Great Mother. We have been severed from this wisdom & this truth– and it is time to reclaim the Feminine consciousness, awaken & root in this force of LOVE.

As SHE arises through each one of us– we begin to honor our own creative, sacred medicine– rooting that medicine on the planet as an integral part of the new era of Feminine Sovereignty.

Feminine Medicine™

offers these pathways as medicine…

Voice Medicine- Sound Healing* Womb Mysteries* Ancestral Collective Healing*Ancient Ancestral Mothers* Lunar Medicine* Sacred Feminine Initiations* Universal Mothers* Ancient Feminine Healing Arts* Hands on Voice Medicine

Practitioner Course

Womens Retreats




Online programs

Feminine Medicine Woman


Registration Open

Feminine Medicine Woman is the Healer (Curandera) in indigenous cultures… the one that holds the Feminine Mysteries… of birth, death & rebirth the connection with our sacredness and our Feminine Soul.

We have forgotten our Primordial Mother-GODDESS, and we have forgotten our medicine.

This program is an initiation into FEMININE MEDICINE to heal, empower our hearts- wombs & soul… and support the return of our Soul to the world.

We work with the resurrection of the Ancient Feminine Healing Arts> Creative Art – Voice Medicine & Reflective Writing along with Feminine cycles of birth – death, rebirth, Voice Medicine – Hands On-Voice, Lunar Medicine, Shamanic medicine, Sacred Drumming, Womb Mysteries, Blood Mysteries, Ancestral Motherline  ~ Wu Lineage Healers ~Sacred Feminine Initiations ~ Universal Mothers & the 7 dimensions of our Feminine Soul.

Apply on our page and we will set up a consult to discuss. Registrants are limited to 20 participants. Tuition payment plans and scholarship may be available for those that are in financial need.

Feminine Medicine Shamanism

Hi there, my name is Leonor Murciano-Luna. I am a “medicine woman”, supporting women to step into their Medicine– as well! My medicine has taken various expressions throughout the years in the form of Integrative Doctor & Chinese traditional medicine, Healer, Writer, Artist, Sound healer and weaver of ancient Feminine Mysteries. I have spent most of my life– last 40 years diving into various spiritual paths and being initiated into their medicine streams, including Sufi path, and the Wu-Healer Shamanic-pre-daoist path. Thirteen years ago… this body of work rooted in Feminine spirituality began to emerge and coalesce as Conscious Feminine Medicine– weaving together these ancient traditions of healing, rooted in the forgotten ancient Feminine wisdom. I am also the author of ‘Birth of the Conscious Feminine- a new era of Feminine Sovereignty’ that maps out a journey for how to walk through and awaken to Feminine Medicine within ourselves.

Conscious Feminine Medicine is a Feminine path of medicine focused on healing, transforming and awakening to our divine true selves. It is a feminine spiritual system of healing and embodiment that lives within you… and that your Ancient Ancestral Mothers knew well. These Medicine Women… Oracles… Divinators… Priestesses… Shamans… Midwives… Healers… and Death doulas… live within you. We have forgotten it… we have been separated from it… we have had to hide it and bury it. They have demonized it… They have shamed us… They have persecuted & executed us for it. They have felt threatened by it… They have controlled us… with great brutality, blood & pain has been shed… and is still being shed because of the power of our Medicine.

We see the remnants of the religious trauma and patriarchal trauma still alive today… in the fight for our reproductive rights… for choices with our bodies… and in the lack of safe health care for all women. We see it in the disregard of women’s rights all over the world… where they are still being violently condemned for wearing or not wearing particular items of clothing. What does this have to do with you… and me? Personally and collectively we, women are not free until ALL WOMEN are free… and the horrors we see around the world… are still sneaking in our western countries where we are still fighting for the rights to our own bodies– as women. Our Ancient Ancestral Mothers… are living in our blood… and we are the Medicine Women of today… with our own particular, unique sacred medicine to offer the world. “Feminine Medicine” is focused on reclaiming the deeper truth of who we are– and expressing that through our unique self and our Soul Medicine. YOU ARE THE MEDICINE – Lets awaken it… The world needs you!

Birth of the Conscious Feminine- book

Birth of the Conscious Feminine is a passionate call to women to meet the shame, abandonment and powerlessness, that too many of us carry, as doorways to liberation for the sake of the world. Through various practices and meditations, the book is providing a way to heal and call us to a new consciousness of Union.

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, co-authors of Wild Power: discover the magic of your menstrual cycle and awaken the feminine path to power (Hay House)

“This insightful book – packed with wisdom, ancient teachings, personal stories and invaluable rituals – empowers women to leave behind old patterns & reach for the stars as they joyfully embrace their Conscious Feminine.”

Christine Page MD Author of The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman

Feminine Medicine Retreats & Workshops

7 week signature course that focusing on the medicine of the Feminine- through the various forms of wisdom teachings of the Feminine Shamanism, Feminine Womb Mysteries & Voice Medicine, in the tradition of our Ancient Ancestral Mothers. These are the foundations of stepping into your ‘medicine’ – the Feminine Medicine Woman that you are — and reclaiming your Feminine Soul … the Creative magical spark of Divinity within you.

3 Day Retreat in MIAMI- focused on the shamanic medicine of the Feminine– and the practices designed to heal & discover your true Feminine Voice and Power. Spend three full day rituals and ceremonies of Feminine Shamanic healing through Voice Activation, Womb Wisdom, Feminine Mysteries, Primordial Sound Movement, Ancient Ancestral Mothers & Universal Mothers rituals.

Individual & 6 week closed group for Ancestral Collective Healing … to help us repair the collective trauma on our lineage and fully receive the gifts of our Ancestral Mothers & Fathers… on our lineage.

2 hour workshop in person to merge with the lunar frequencies of release & purification. We will cultivate a sacred space to enter the ‘sacred dark of the womb’, ‘feel’ the burdens of our heart… and let the ocean of the holy take us into greater levels of LOVE… of the Cosmic Womb Mother.

5 week program- for women– to reclaim their voice… by activating the seven dimensions within them and the 7 sacred sounds. We will engage in embodied Feminine practices– to activate our voice… for health & healing.

1 day Workshop- Painting the Face of the Feminine:Art-Meditation & Feminine Wisdom. No experience needed. Painting with Acrylic on canvas.

Feminine Medicine

On-Demand Courses

Books~Art & Healers

Embodying the 7 Feminine Soul-Powers


> the one that orients from Joy and Pleasure.


> SHE who embodies Her intuition and sees, hears, smells, feels and tastes directly through the soul of her being.


> SHE who knows the hidden dimension, behind the physical creation.


> SHE who knows that She is the unconditional Love.


> SHE who knows She is the secrets of Transformation, Transmutation & Alchemy.


> SHE who embodies the Creative Source within her.


> SHE who embodies the triptych cycles of life, death & rebirth.