Feminine Medicine Events

FEMININE MEDICINE Shamanism: Reclaim Your Voice

Sept & Oct 2024

Who is the Medicine Woman of Today? How do we cultivate and embody the medicine of our Soul and free our Voice ? What are some of the practical medicines we can cultivate daily in order to stay present & in our bodies? How is the rising of Feminine consciousness related to the great evolutionary shift we are seeing? How do we step into our Feminine sovereignty — through our Voice-– be the Medicine Woman of today?!

Information here

FEMININE MEDICINE WOMAN 7-week signature program


7 week signature course that focuses on the foundational embodiments of the Feminine mystery wisdom teachings that were known to the ancient ancestral Mothers. Each week we explore the cognitive and experiential aspects of Feminine Medicine in order to support your transformational healing and evolutionary awakening of your Feminine Soul.


OCT. 30 – DEC. 11, 2024 – online

FEMININE MEDICINE WOMAN Practitioner Certification Program


FEMININE MEDICINE Shamanic Retreat: Reclaim Your Voice

3 Day Retreat in MIAMI- focused on the shamanic medicine of the Feminine– and the practices designed to heal & discover your true Feminine Voice and Power. Spend three full day rituals and ceremonies of Feminine Shamanic healing through Voice Activation, Womb Wisdom, Feminine Mysteries, Primordial Sound Movement, Ancient Ancestral Mothers & Universal Mothers rituals.



DARK MOON Women’s Circle: Fort Lauderdale & Live Streaming available

2 hr. workshop on the Dark MOON. It is a time to gather, to pause, feel our hearts. We will cultivate a holy space to enter the ‘sacred dark of the womb’, ‘feel’ the burdens of our heart… and let the ocean of the holy take us into greater levels of LOVE… in the Cosmic Womb Mother.

Tea Ceremony- Grief Cauldron Ritual – Reflective Writing- Lunar Astrology- Sacred Drumming & Voice Alchemy- Individual Acupuncture. More Info Here:

2024 dates – FIRST SUNDAY of the MONTH. 7:00pm-9:00pm EST


Next one in early 2025

Join us for the RECLAIM YOUR VOICE – MEDICINE FOR WOMEN program to explore your Voice & Sacred Drumming as a way to heal and empower yourself… transform pain and suffering, and embody more of your TRUE SELF.

Discover the power of primordial sound— the sound from your voice before the use of language that we know now… primordial sound carries frequencies of light that activates healing energetically and physically in our body mind.  Humming, toning… and using Sacred Drum as was used in the Feminine Mother- GODDESS cultures… for community, for healing, for soothing our hearts & souls.


COST: $369.00 for 5 weeks- Scholarships available & pymt plans.

Also you can check out our Eventbrite page for other listings– although you will save money purchasing directly from us.

OR EMAIL US AT [email protected]